The Functionally Dysfunctional Show
Real talk about everything from food to philosophy, politics to religion, and aliens to exercise. Uncensored and unfiltered. Sometimes heated. Always humorous.
78 episodes
Football Scripting, Star Wars, and a Special Recipe - Episode 59
Have you ever noticed how unlikely a Football season ends up, compared to its pre-season projection? Is there a master plan for sports? It sure looks like it might be.If you don't want to watch football, then what do you watch? The answ...
Episode 59

Sic Semper Tyrannus - Episode 58
What? We're talking about COVID-19 again? Well, when the government starts talking about mask mandates, a new jab, lockdowns, and alllllll of the same unconstitutional bullshit from 2020, I guess we need to talk about it.But WHY do we N...
Episode 58

Republican vs Democrat Puppies - Episode 57
Cognitive dissonance. WTF is that? It's the inability to accept new information, regardless of its supporting evidence, simply because it differs from your current dogma.Let's apply that to "gun control". How can we stop drunk driving d...
Episode 57

Abortions: 900k/yr. Gun Homicide: 15k/yr. - Episode 56
Guns are "scary", right? Our children are in danger of being killed by guns in droves.......right? Welllllll, that's not what data tells us. In fact, one of the most dangerous places a child can be, is in the womb. What the fuck?!...
Episode 56

Boys Have a Penis, Girls Have a Vagina - Episode 55
Gender. What the fuck is it? Biological fact? Something you can "choose"? Does your "gender" differ from your "sex"? How does it affect your reality? Is it a mental health issue? How does it impact our society? We're trying to figure this...
Episode 55

Being Functional in a Dysfunctional World - Episode 54
We're trying to make logical sense of what the fuck our world is turning in to. They scream gun control , to "save" our children, but not when it pertains to saving the life of an unborn child. They say gun control to stop violent crime, but th...
Episode 54

Opinions, Cruelty, & The Paradox of Tolerance - Episode 53
Everyone has the right to their opinion, and they're all equal....right? What if someone's opinion allows them to harm another person? Should such an opinion be tolerated? You probably IMMEDIATELY thought, "hell no!". What if I told you that we...
Episode 53

Gnostic Cosmology & Alternative Thought with The Juan - Episode 52
Multiple dimensions of existence, King Solomon's magic, Divine Feminine, the Law of Attraction and ooooohhh so many more topics were purposefully left out of what we now call the Christian Bible. But why?The study of such extra-canonica...
Episode 52

Equality vs Equity...With All Things Being Equal - Episode 51
Equality. Equity. What do these words mean in a social context? That's a question we need to be able to answer considering how hotly they're being thrown around our society, don't ya think? Are we massively oversimplifying the conversation? Is ...
Episode 51

Emotional Triggers, Personality Types, & The Lost Art of Conflict Resolution - Episode 50
Everyone has triggers. Everyone has a definitive personality type. Almost no one seems to be able to resolve conflicts in a healthy way. In this episode we work through an actual real life conflict in almost real time.It's amazing how i...
Episode 50

Double, Double Toil & Trouble: Stirring the Double Standard Pot - Episode 49
Have you ever noticed how many double standards abound in our society? In this episode we discuss how (or is it why?) they exist, how they endure, and even dissect a few including abortion, discrimination, and gender identificat...
Episode 49

A Psychotherapist, "The Alien," & God Walk Into a Bar... - Episode 48
On this episode we're joined by California-based psychotherapist, author, and top iTunes podcaster, Michaela Renee Johnson......and holy shit do we have a conversation. Join us as we discuss the psychological effects of COVID19, vaccines, censo...
Episode 48
Balancing Between Being Informed & Being Afraid - Episode 47
How do you stay informed without falling prey to fear, panic, depression, and anxiety......especially when it seems as if the world is teetering on the edge of oblivion? Where is the balance? What are the facts? Who can we trust? These...
Episode 47

An Eye-Opening Glimpse Into Being Homeless Through a Convo With a Person Without a Home - Episode 46
Have you ever had a conversation with a "homeless person"? Yeah, me neither....until now. Eye-opening is an understatement. If you don't have a reality check, a few laughs, and probably tear up a time or two from this episode, then you probab...
Episode 46

Prejudice, Gun Control, & Vaccine Passports - Episode 45
Equality in culture and practice, the 2nd Amendment, "mass" shootings, vaccine passport restrictions, and transgender sports are just a few of the topics we discuss in this episode. But ya know what? We don't talk about these polarizing topic...
Episode 45

Ways to IMMEDIATELY Reduce Stress, Fight Anxiety, and Boost Your Immune System That You've Never Heard Of - Episode 44
What if there was a certain music that you could listen to that had scientifically proven health benefits that include: reduced stress and anxiety, increased immune system function, nervous system health, and hormone balancing.Sounds to...
Episode 44

The "Equalizer" of Double Standards - Episode 43
Do you watch the new show that stars Queen Latifah, called "The Equalizer"? It's a TV series take on the Denzel Washington movies, that are a take on a book series by Michael Sloan.In this episode we break down a first impression o...
Episode 43

Cancel Culture: This is NOT The Way - Episode 42
We stand at the edge of a precipice. Hate has NOT been eradicated in our society, it has been embraced, encouraged, and rebranded. If you have an opinion that differs from the iron triangle that is made up of politicians, media, and big busines...
Episode 42

How the Subtly Subliminal Shapes Our Psyche - Episode 41
The news media gets a lot of attention for being biased and slanted, but what about movies and TV shows? Wouldn't it be easier to program your thinking and or influence your thought process through characters that you're invested in? Does it ca...
Episode 41

Opinions Are Like Assholes. Everyone Has Them, & Most of Them Stink - Episode 40
Join us as we journey down the rabbit hole of opinions, and the slippery slope of subconsciously believing that your opinions are the absolute truth, or even just a fact -- rather than just your opinion.And what happens when you use you...
Episode 40

Emotional Abuse, Self Defense, & Helen Keller - Episode 39
Are you a different person depending on who you're around? Does someone make you feel like your opinion doesn't matter? In this episode, Jeffrey & Mills open up about their own baggage and abuse in a way that is rarely experienced. ...
Episode 39

Love, Weed, & Self-Awareness - Episode 38
What do you get when you combine good convo about weed, love, self-reflection, sarcasm, and a lot of laughter? This podcast episode!Join Jeffrey Davis and first-time guest, Josh Cook, as they dive deep, laugh hard, and discuss love, sel...
Episode 38

Hans Gruber & Mental Health - Episode 37
2020 has been a shit show. Covid is NOT the problem. What is? The mental health crisis. Depression is on the rise. Suicide rates are at an all time high. Humanity is not ok.Be sure to hit us up on

Cancel Culture, Handguns, & the 2020 Election - Episode 36
Don't like someone? "Canceled". Someone expressing a different opinion than yours? "Karen". What the actual fuck?In this episode we talk about this weird ass cancel culture, handguns & gun control, the Rachel Brathen death threats, ...
Episode 36