The Functionally Dysfunctional Show

Being Functional in a Dysfunctional World - Episode 54

April 20, 2023 Jeffrey Davis Episode 54

We're trying to make logical sense of what the fuck our world is turning in to. They scream gun control , to "save" our children, but not when it pertains to saving the life of an unborn child. They say gun control to stop violent crime, but the cities that have the most strict gun laws have the highest violent crime rates.

They say hate "this" person or "that" person based on their race or belief or creed or sexual orientation.

They encourage us to hate our fellow human just because we think differently. 

We NEED to have an ACTUAL common sense discussion regarding violent crime, and where it comes from.

Be sure to hit us up on Instagram, Twitter, and send us an email Hell, maybe we'll have ya on the podcast to have a good conversation.